
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Futari no Elder The Animation

Cím: Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Futari no Elder The Animation
Angol cím: -
Japán cím: 乙女はお姉さまに恋してる ~2人のエルダー~ THE ANIMATION
Egyéb cím(ek): Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru 2, Otoboku 2, Otome wa Onee-sama ni Koishiteru, The Maiden is Falling in Love With the Elder Sister
MyAnimeList: [link]
Trailer: [link]
Részek összesen: 3
Szezon: -
Típus: OVA
Besorolás: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Forrás: Visual novel
Értékelés: 10/6.77
Studió: [SILVER LINK.]
Producer: -
Kiadó: -
Téma: [Crossdressing], [School]
Műfaj: [Drama], [Romance]
Egyéb Műfaj: -
Explicit Műfaj: -
Fordította: [UraharaShop]


Two years after Mizuho's graduation... Mikado Chihaya was truant at his school because of harassment in the school and of a distrust in men. His mother cannot bear to watch him be in trouble, so she makes him transfer to Seiou Girls' School, her old school. He dresses as a girl and introduces himself as Kisakinomiya Chihaya. Chihaya meets Nanahara Kaoruko, who once rescued him from a playboy, and he begins to live in the dormitory building. He becomes the focus of public attention due to his attractive face and figure, and due to high grades at studies. (Source: Wikipedia)

Már 15 éve, 4 hónapja és 17 napja csak értetek.
Az elmúlt 30 percben online látogatók: 32
Jellenlegi verzió: 6.1.6